Phone System

If you love your PBX phone system and want to keep it or get a new phone system, Xaris Technology can help. There are several strategies we can employ to manage it effectively and ensure its continued functionality and relevance in your organization.

Strategies we can assist you

Here are some of those strategies we can assist with whether you employ them directly or you ask us to find you a service provider. 

Regular Maintenance

Conducting regular maintenance checks and updates to keep your PBX phone system running smoothly seems obvious but it should not be overlooked. Some older PBX phone systems are lacking for various reasons. If they can’t give you regular firmware updates and security patches hardware maintenance becomes very difficult and sometimes impossible. We’ll help you figure that out.

Backup and Redundancy

If you don’t have a disaster recovery plan in place we can help you with that. Your PBX phone system will be part of that plan. A robust backup strategy to protect your PBX phone system configuration is critical to business continuity. We want to discuss the importance of your call records, and other essential data. We’ll help you evaluate whether you need redundant hardware or failover systems to meet your recovery requirements.

Security Measures

To strengthen the security of your PBX phone system, Xaris will help you prevent unauthorized access and potential hacking attempts. Using strong passwords, restrict access to administrative functions, and enable firewall protection should all be part of your complete disaster recovery plan.

Integration with VoIP

In a hybrid solution you can keep your PBX phone system and add VoIP technology. Xaris can help facilitate growth or change by integrating VoIP capabilities. VoIP can offer cost savings, improved call quality, and additional features.


Evaluate whether your current PBX phone system can accommodate the growth of your organization. If expansion is anticipated, plan for scalability or consider upgrading to a system that can better support your future needs.

SIP Trunking

SIP is the acronym for Session Initiation Protocol. We can bring in SIP Trunking to connect your PBX phone system to the outside world over the internet or private voice circuits. We’ll help you evaluate when or why to use SIP Trunking.


If your PBX hardware is aging, Xaris can provide help with virtualizing your PBX phone system. Running it on virtual machines can extend its life and offer more flexibility in hardware management.

Monitoring and Analytics

Implementing monitoring tools to track the performance of your PBX phone system can identify potential issues before they become critical problems.

Vendor Support

Are you happy with your equipment but need better support? Xaris can help. If you don’t have a vendor you’re missing out on critical updates and guidance. You need to have a service agreement in place before you need technical assistance or you could have a hard time recovering.

Backup PBX Solution

If your existing PBX phone system is becoming obsolete, consider setting up a backup PBX using newer technologies or cloud-based solutions. This will ensure you have a fallback option if your primary system faces significant issues.

It’s essential to strike a balance between maintaining your beloved PBX phone system and considering future technology trends. While your current PBX may serve your needs well, it’s always a good idea to explore emerging technologies to ensure you are prepared for potential changes in communication requirements. Continuously assessing your organization’s communication needs will help you make informed decisions about the best strategies for managing your PBX phone system effectively.

Xaris Technology can help you find the best PBX phone system services for your organization’s communication requirements. Our supplier agnostic advisor model allows us to help you buy instead of being sold. Our services come with our continuous improvement guarantee and working with us costs you nothing. Use the sign-up form next to this video to schedule a meeting with one of our brokers today. Or just call 888-58-XARIS.

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